youre a waste of my 5 years
I have been sick for about 6 days noww, Get it over with already ! The flu, the cough, the heaty body, the aching back, the torturing headache. Oh god, cure me ASAP please ?

Since my head is currently pinned down by a MASSIVE headache, i am literally lost for words these past days. As I am right now. Being sick is never an option though i was once begging to get a cold just fr one particular reason which i dont think is necessary to tell you people.

My life is just fine with the big F, haha. Not so, fine with the small average f would be just nice for me. No need to brag about the happy life we all are living in without those small small things right ? Okay i am so crapping.

There are some things that has happened within the last few weeks but can i say im lazy to write one long recap ?

Okay fine one short summary :)

  • Watched Transformers 3 (a blast !)
  • Went to Cheer 2009, and surprisingly, Blitzers won ! *applause
  • Got sick -.-
  • Henna-ed my hand, *wink wink
Nothing much as we can see bcse i was busy spending my time recovering.


OKAY so i have nothing more to say sooooo,

Loves. Out.

p/s: After what i've done, i bet even a puppy can appreciate the things that i did.