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Tengku Suraya Hani
Hey, I'm Sue and this is my site for everything. Welcome :) |
Take it one at a time.
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B.u dh bgn?
okay , so . i think yesterday has the most number of interesting conversations ever . haha , starting with last last night , this happened in mama's bedroom .
me : maaaa ! hani dh lama tk keluar taaaaaauuu :( mama : haaaa nk start dhla tu ! me : jm la lepak carlos maaaa , jom jommm ! hani dh lama tk keluarrr *she ws trying to change the subject* mama : cpat , cari uban mama cpaaaaaat ! me : apa mama ni ? hani baru cari mnggu lepas , tk sempat tumbuh baru mama nk suruh cri lagi , adoiii mama : dh tumbuh daaaaahh , cepat la b ! (mama calls me baby since i ws small -.-) me : MALAAS ! tamau tamau ! mama : cepat laaaa me : dh laa , g tdo ma byeeee *smbil picking up the laptop and heading to my room* mama : haa tgk tuu , tuuuuu je la yg dia tau nyaa me : nyte maaaaaa ! hahaha , NYTE mama baik ckp nyte kat hani mama : get ouuuuutttt ! malas malas ! buang tebiat ke apa ni ??! *i ws laughing like a mad person* me : fine tknk ckp nyte . mama tk syg hani ! mama : hani yg tk syg mama ! me : whateverrrrr ... okay dh malas nk lyn mama so i just went to my room , no questions asked ! haha and this happened when i ws sleeping , abg woke me up with his monstrous voice screaming from the bottom of the stairs "HANIIII !! HANI !!!" and so i took my phone and saw 6 misscalls and 3 msgs . haha . talk about tidur mati here . *i came down with the horrible face and blurblur pnya attitude* abang : HANI ! kak dah kt luar tuuuu . me : pastu kenapa ? abang : keluar la ! me : asal hani pulak ? kenapa tk abg ? abang : laaa kak dah nk keluar pegi carlos laa ! dgn hani ! me : HAH ?! (sambil tutup mulut) hani tk mndi lagiii ! :O abang : ya allah budak ni ..... hahah sooo i went to bathe and just siap2 so that kak dah wont tunggu lamalama . ehe . wtv wtv havock havock , so bfre anyone knew it , i ws on my way to carlos and lepak with mama *muka angkat2 kening* cool kan ? hee . anndd that ws the end of the interesting conversations (: OKAY so here's the stressing part , i ws at carlos , and i texted syazwan ; "I tgh lepak carlos ngn mama . Cool gla -.- oh dhla lupa i . Suckness la youh" haha i said he fgrttn me bcse he did not msg me or call me at all ! blergh . okay , back to the stressing story , he replied apa taau ? "oh.I dkt 15" wtf tak ? ergh , see , this is what happens when i act all nice to him . EVERYTIME ! well , usually , when i act like i always act , he'll complain . haha , bcse i use to be all rough to him . MEANING (dnt EVER get the wrong idea *winkwink*) i like to bully him . heheh . so when i ws being nice , he ws being all malasmalas nk layan . fucked up btl . SO , i replied , "K" hehehehehe , geram siaal !! then i got "i nk grk crls dh" blergh , wtv . i tk reply pn . hee . so i went back , ws heading to auntie mazni's house and i got "u dh balik ?" and i didnt reply , and so he didnt care . fuucckkk . haih . i ws too stressed up abt him . eheh . so wtv . and when i called him acting all tkde mood THEN he ws saying sorry . he likes to say sorry -.- well im tired you know , blurdy tired . hmmm . end . SO today nothing interesting has happened YET . hmm . wtv wtvvvvv . bye , toodles . loves . later . lovebug
![]() good morning peeps . i didnt sleep fr the whole day today ! and now im listening to yudesh singing the lovebug song . haha , okay yudesh , you nyanyi sedap -.- ehhe but ada off tune sikiiit la . HAHAH . i am so bored fuck ! currently waiting fr syzwn to get up which i think lg 5 to 6 hrs lg . ular btl -.- suckness la you ni b . haha . oh ya , ive finished organising my pictures and all . haha , ws not having anything to do , so yea . AND ive just realised that i am having this bad bad bad habit . haih , gotta stop bfre its too late :s speechless , bye . because i bring the fire
au naturale ;)
oh ya , thats bibi , teyra's kitten . greetings , it is currently 2:29am and my shoulder is killing me . haih . im so bored . i havent go out fr like 2 or 3 days ? cn you imagine how dull is my life ? blergh , *suckness . haha . so , syazwan is forcing me to go out on my birthday WHICH i am so berkeras saying i dnt wnt to go . ehehehehe , tknk la , nk emo ;p friends yg ku sayangi , i love you all but idk , i still love you . hahaha , by emo-ing abt my brthday got me scolded by many of my frnds . sheesh , chill la . haha . dh diam . OH ya , i have this thought that i wnt to post a blog about my lovelife here , but malu lah . haha so nk cmpur dgn bestfs frm stndard 1 till now . enjoy (: standard 1 : bestf - farah naquiyah , and tk ingat . standard 2 : bestf - wan nur farhana , melissa , aannd tk ingat . standard 3 : bestf - wan nur farhana , shazlena . standard 4 : bestf - shazlena , fatin nabilah . standard 5 : bestf - shazlena , tk ingat standard 6 : bestf - shazlena , sharifah shaheeda , atirah razalli , shazmin boyf - shahrul helmi form 1 : bestf - teyra , shazlena boyf - adrin , zelfann , nazrin , kevin form 2 : bestf - teyra , shazlena boyf - hazwan , hazman form 3 : bestf - teyra , effy , shazlena boyf - nasri , aimeen , amar form 4 : bestf - teyra , tasha , baby , fana , tiqot , qairul , shasha , samira , sarah , amir , hisyam , azrin , helmi , rifdi , chui shen , yan ling . boyf - akmal , nazeem , syazwan . hahaha , i know this seems like kind of showing off but i dnt intend to actually . i just want to come clean to all my readers abt my life ((: pls dnt misunderstood me . so , as you cn see up there i have the most number of bestfs this year . awkward , i know . bt wtv lah , i still love them . ehehehehe . okay i am SO bored only god knows how i feel ! blergh blergh blergh !! haiihhh , i wnt to eat ohh ! bt idk why bt today there're a lot of ppl who called me gemuk :S hahaha , eventhough i know it is truee bt still !! be considerate people ! ehehe . well , lately ive been onlining late night and sleeping in the siangsiang hari . haha , mcm jantan i know -.- syazwan pn ckp " kalah i " hahaha , i know b . sometimes i have a thought to myself that maybe im a "tak jadi" punya species . haha , cz my attitude is very rough you know . kind of embarassed about it but i just cant act all malumalu , and timid and all . i just cant ! haha , well wtv lah . i love who i am now :)))) idk what to say anymore . sheesh . loves then . later . i just want you to know who i am
"well , how do you do ?"
try saying that in a london accent . haha . cool gila . okay , so . yesterdaaaaaayyy ws tiya's farewell , farah's and ikhtiar's birthday partaay ;) so , they were celebrating it at lakeview . ssoooo , in the morning , i went to tasha's house , got lost at many many places ! ahahaha , noob gilaa . woke her up and i forbid her to sleep again , hehehhee , evil i know . sooo around 12 or 1 we went to hol villa and asked abt the ballroom , oh gosh , OVER BUDGET ! so i guess , please find another venue people ! :o haha so we went to lakeview and met tiya and all , i lovemiss tiyaa :( haih , and theeeeeennn we watched this : ![]() ![]() ![]() oh ehem ehem , ths movie is 18ps rght ?? guess who bought the tickets ? its ws me !! hahaha do i look like above 18 ?! well hampir kantoi lah with the abang juagl ticket . the abg jual ticket just gelak when i said i frgt to bring my ic . HAHA . well the movie was fucking terrifying ! haha , seriously . normally , if i watch any horror movie , i'll just keep quite and tk pandang kiri kanan la kan (control macho dpan org) . haha . this movie i ws so gelabah ! maluuu gilaa kat org sebelah kanan *muka angkat2 kening* haha . seriously . the movie cm real gila . damn btl . i got shocked like every 5 minutes . cm budak kecik gedik2 . MALU , tknk tgk horror movie dgn kawan dh :( ahahhaa . bt the conclusion is , this is the greatestscariestbest movie ive watched so far . congrats + big round of applause to the producer , casts , director and the crews *wink wink* -okay so tell me , how can i not be terrified and be like a budak kecik gedik2 when i watch this ? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hm . terrified ? ;) another great news ! im taken AGAIN by this asshole Nik Syazwan Nik Azmi - 23rd nov haha . so he's 15 yrs old , *no offence* what are the odds ? haha . i mean , i am just 1 month older than him . bottom line , i still sayangloveneedmisswant him . haha ;D poyo , i know . now i dnt have anything to say , haha . cheers then . what do you want from me ?
idk what ppl wish to take , expect or yearns frm me . they sometimes expect just a little bit too much frm me . they THINK that it doesnt matter to me bt it does and when it hurts me , they dont feel a thing . i dnt understand them people who THINKS that they care abt me bt actually they dont . im tired of putting others first in my life and just abandon my needs . im tired .
im tired of hoping the best frm the ones that i trust im tired of doing wats best fr the ones that i trust im tired of giving the best fr the ones that i trust im just tired . i refuse to be all emo-ish and be selfish just bcz i cnt have what i want . i mean we have to learn to give and to take in life rght ? im done giving and im nt sure wether taking is my thing . whatever , maybe giving whats best to people is what i have to do now . sheesh . later , im out . i have what i need
![]() meet my kitten , chiko (: i am currently down with a fever . sore throat , body aching , the migrain , high high temp , haihh . bt YET , i still refuse to consume my meds . hee . thats just me you know . i hate all the pills and syrups shits . i am looking terribly horrible bt i guess my family still havent notice that i am sick . EVENTHOUGH i have already went around the house moaning , complaining "saakiiittt , huhuhuhuhu nk nangiissss " still , no " hani sakit ke ? tk mkn ubat ke ? " get questioned to me . haha , i dnt mind pn . i still get calls frm syazwan so that i cld say " sakittt laaahhhh ! muka i cm nk mati je " and i'll get " alaaaa pegi la mkn ubat , you niii . pegi tido lah . " typical mengadangada-ness lah kan . haha , biar lah :)) it is now 2:54am bt i still cldnt sleep and that is why im posting ths bloody reasonless blogpost . hee . what i did yesterday is just sleepsleepsleep . fr the first time there're a lot of ppl who called me bt obviously i didnt answer cz i ws too asleep . haha . sry you guys . ive been meaning to go jogging bt there were too many exscuses laaahh *heheheh* , fr example , demam lah , period lah . tk ckup tdo lah . so now how am i going to lose all these excessive fats ? you tell me lah . oh well fr start i ddnt ate my breakfast , lunch and dinner today cz i slept . haha . so whenever i woke up i'll just toast two breads . foolish i know . im sick bt yet i dnt eat and i dnt take any meds . what a way to get yourself better eyh ? haha . ![]() ![]() ![]() yesterday night i watched 'i know who killed me' starring lindsay lohan . and like omg i pledge here that i will NEVER set my foot out of this house . it ws the most "UNSCENSORED" movie ever . i mean , they show you the finger cutting , the *** and oh gosh i cnt go on . haha . bt in the end , it ws a good and worth watching movie (: i dnt knw what to say anymore so i'll just publish ths post . loves (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i miss me
"kte rndu awk yg dlu sue , awk yg understanding dlu "
"every night tsh nanges do , sbb next year korang sume dh tkde dkt dgn tsh :( " "i'll call you every one hour ya , i love you and i care for you . you know i will never hurt you again rght ? i'll change , i love you " these words that came out frm the ones that i love made me cry and it is sad knowing that someone do love you as who you are . idk what im saying bt yeah , im so so sad rght now . Nur Atirah Che Razalli fr teyra , im sorry syg if ive been behaving very different lately . idk what have gotten into me . maybe i feel too pressured by the surroundings and what people say . i just want to take care of you syg . i dnt wnt ppl to think bad about you . you are so like my little AND big sister rght now . seriously , you're my life . i would rather stab myself than to hurt you . im so sorry . i just cnt stand it when you do what you do and seeing you handling what people has to say abt you . it hurts me deeply too and i am trying my supersuper best to prevent you frm dealing those kind of stuffs . i love you dearly and i wouldn't wnt to trade you fr anything at all . i know i do get mad at you bcz i am stressed up abt something else , im sry . i know i always let it all out to you when im mad where it is never abt you at all , im sry honey . i'll try my super hard to change fr you ya i cnt imagine myself if i lose you one day . i'll treasure you till i die baby . i love you . ![]() Nurul Natasha fr tasha , although i've only been close to you fr 5 months bt i do love you , in fact i care fr you . i dnt want to lose you and just the thought of that i am going to lose you next year makes me sad . i hate it when you talk abt you leaving and all . to be honest , i really do hate it . you make everything so lively and not to be all mushymushy bt you always lighten up my day . oh gosh im crying . haih tashaa , i hope that we cn still be close frnds although you'll shift schl and all . i dnt knw what to say anymore . i love you . ![]() Nik Syazwan Nik Azmi fr syazwan , im sorry i've always been so so so angsty towards you . bt in some way you cn easily get on my nerves . yes i know that we've only known fr what ? maybe 1 mnths ++ ? bt yeah , i felt as if ive known you longer . we fought , we laughed , we joked , through all and all , i love you baby . day by day that has passed you complete me . seriously , i cnt live through one day without recieving a call or a txt msg frm you . you know the feeling of 'tk sng duduk' ? yes thats what i feel when you dnt call or txt me . you annoy me so much that i cld just throw you anywhre in the gununggunung . bt , then , who'll be the one that calls me and say " b , sayaaang " , who'll be the one that'll txt me and say "bby , i love you :D syg gila bai i dkt you . hhe" yes i know it sounds very the jambu-ish and manjamanja , bt it comforts me in a way that i know someone do loves me . eventhough you've been cursed at , yelled at , teased at , you're still here staying by my side and to just be thre fr me . seriously , i love you more and more each day . i love you lah pukimak (: well i know this post is kind of just focusing on these three peoples BUT please understand that there're some personal reasons on why im dedicating ths post to them . i still love you , haha (: im coming clean
well , imgine your mum says that to you . i dnt mean to tell bad stories abt my mum here bt as my title says , im coming clean . lately my mum has been saying things like that to me . idk why , if i make even one tiny little mistake she'll trip and just say things like that to me . it hurts bcz she hs never addressed herself in that way bfre , ive tried to shrug it off evertime she's in that mode bt , haih , it still hurts . if somehow i make any stupid or wrong desicions OR i make any mistakes , she'll just go like KABOOOOMMMM and wont say sorry fr any harsh words or anything and in one or two days she'll act as normal again . i'll be like 'wtf ?!' everytime she does that . well , FR EXAMPLE , if i go out , EVEN TO SS15 which is still in SUBANG JAYA , she'll say stuffs OH i mean 'STUFFS' , it is as if i went to some club and drink alcohol , ( what im saying is that she makes a big deal out of everything) i know what im doing and lately i have been THINKING bfre i do something . ya ya wtv . BUT if my siblings say bad things to her or just wtv , she'll be fine . WAIT , im tired of complaining about my family . its BORING . and its hurtful so why dnt we just talk abt MY DAY shall we ? MOVING ON ... SO , as i were saying , i slept around 5 yesterday cz i chatted with syzwnPUKIMAK *eheheheh pdn muka kau* , and some guy named qimie ? oh well , i ws watching 'my wife and kids' on youtube so by that time flies without me noticing . result ? me sleeping in 5 in the morning . BOH-RING . so , i ws awaken by baby's phone call , at that time it ws already 1.30ish PM . : baby : SUE ! you dh siap blm ni ? kterang dh otw pegi darus . sue : huh ? apa ni ? cpatnya korang gerak ? baru pkul 11 kot ? (i ws being lame -.-) baby : 11 ?! SUE DH PKUL 1.30 LAH ! sue : oh oh OH ! ye ke ?!??! okayokay i siap now . *omg , only god knows how embarassed i am at that point* soo , went down , called mama , got mad at sekejaaap , haha . so i got ready . FR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY , i opened my tee drawer and just take any tee i see . AMAZING I KNOW . haha . well , normally i would try several outfits before i move on to the hair and so on . bcz i have no mood to dress up today i dressed down . haha . i called the cab and waited till 2 . my throat hurts today so like SERIOUSLY i dnt have the mood to cakapcakap with the uncle cab , lagipun uncle cab tu is very sombong looking . i just kept quiet . arrived at darus around 2.30ish maybeee ? makanmakanmakan , so we gerak-ed ac and karaoked . haha LIKE WHAT BABY SAID , if dia nyanyi je CNFRM hujan and guess what ? it did !! it ws raining cats and dogs ! haha . baby nii . finished our *stress-free* time , went down and met yudesh , aiman and ierfan . syzwn arrived a bit late . stupid goat . he ws at darus at frst and it ws obviously raining like hell and dia sanggup LARI pegi ac just to eat indo mee ? -.- very very VERY silly . sooo , after that we went to teyra's house and tasha ws bullying bibi , its teyra's kitten . ahaha . tasha ws picking him up vigorously and swinged him here , swinged him thre . omg i pity the kitten so much i could've cried . ehehe drama je :p sooo , we danced cm org gila dkat the computer/wardrobe/study room . haha . and recorded some videos , tkde kje i know -.- aaaand mama picked me up with the sour face and i smpai lah rumah . pretty interesting day eh ? haha well , we snapped loads of pictures , now im just waiting fr tasha to upload it in ms so i cn steal em . hee , fr now , loves . these are the ppl that i met today . fr short , i love them (: ![]() tashashashashaaa teyrarararaaa ![]() babybybybybybybybybybyyyyyyyy yudeshdeshdeshhh ![]() syazwanwanwanwaannn thats all , out . miss independent
ssup fellas . hahaha i dnt knw why bt i like to use 'ssup' nowadays . okay i am alone in this house rght now . imagine being alone at night in your house . fuck it terrifies me ! OH WELL , moving on .
today is the suckiest day ever !! i havent met anyone except the brother , the sister and the mother . cn you believe it ? damn , my life IS dull . i dnt know why am i posting ths blog actually . i cnt seem to find any ideas to just blurb it out here . well , i'll just blog when i have the ideas :)) loves these are the pics frm tasha's camera , ths is on flyanni baybeh <3 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i tear my heart open
![]() before after okay just to kill your curiosities , here's my new hair (: hehehehehe , i have a thought that it doesnt suit me though , but oh well , ive cut it so nothing much that i can say then . haha . .i love you. change everything you are
" Doctor , doctor won't you please prescribe somethin , a day in the life of someone else , cz im a hazard to myself "
-pink, dont let me get me whoaahhh , that's meaningful . haha especially fr someone like me . hehehehhe okay stop . all that i can say fr now is , YESTERDAY WS THE BOMB !! hehehhehe , seriously although it ws just fly fm anni , i had fun with my friends (: i love love love loveeeeeeeeee them ! enough said . so before i went to ou , i went to cut my hair with the big sister , she offered me a new haircut sinxe she's going to do something to her hair and it took 6 bloody long hours ! haha . so i cut my hair short -.- sooooo the big sister sent me to ou and soo i met the friends . it ws kind of hard searching fr them and all but it ws syazwan jugaaak yg come and find me when i ws alone at frst . baik baik , boleh buat jd menantu . HAHA , i joined in the crowd fr a while and that time band2 perform . became a victim of moshers kjap . haih , cnt stand of the feet stepping then went out with tasha and the rest (: lepak2 then the rave party starts !! yay . hha . i intended to dance just to release the stress frm the past weekS . so , at last , dpt dance with the beloved monkeys , HAD FUN and ws SWEATING like shit . okay , so got back , lepak ac sekejap and the rest is what we-who-went only knows (: soo , i will upload the pictures later when i got them . fr now im EFFING tired . loves (: inspired by Putera Muzammel (:
ssup When you try your best
but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above or down below When you're too in love to let it go But if you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And I Tears stream down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face And I Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you these lyrics were introduced by my friendfriend Putera Muzammel (: he's gone through this part that im going so , fahamfaham sendiri lah ya . haha . okay so now im fucking stressed up by him . not 'him' but him . HAHA . okay mengarut , by him i mean my ex . haih . stop stressing me out please oh please . im tired . ans i beg of you to just LET IT ALL GO and just be with HER . wtv , im hurt . O-HA-NAA ?!! well , nothing to say except that i feel like im just staying here temporarily . haih . want to tease me frm time to time ? like you guys are so damn bloody perfect ? fuck it . fuck everything . wait , that ws TOO harsh . SCREW EVERYTHING . even someone that's not family could treat me like one why cant you guys ? im the youngest in the family yes i know , so it doesnt mean that you can do whatever you want . IM FUCKING TIRED . see , life is being a BITCH towards me nowadays . and i am a bit suprised that i am not complaining . oh maybe cz I AM SO GETTING USE OF THIS . screw the world im going insane . i miss this :( hanging out with the girls . ![]() this . ![]() them . ![]() HAHH ! her . lastly , im planning to cut my hair (: wish me luck and pray that the hairdresser wont mess my hair up ! haha . loves . thank you
you've just lost me , congrats (:
*fucked up phase of life* luckily i came to my senses FAST . result of boredom
okay so im bored . im surfing this blog , you shld check it out though , www.denimblog.com
hee , so here are some pictures that i blurrdy ENVY (: ![]() whoaah abg gedang *wink wink . hha ![]() okay i LOATHE her hair ! grr ![]() envy laah ![]() hot daddy ! sluurps ! ;)) ![]() if you salsa in ths dress cm COOL ! ahaha ![]() her hair maaaan ! i wish mine is like that . hehehhe ![]() her dress :)) ![]() well , she's hot :s well thats enough i guess FOR NOW . eheheheheh . just check the link up thre (: loves <3 |