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Tengku Suraya Hani
Hey, I'm Sue and this is my site for everything. Welcome :) |
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rain on me
hey ho good morning (:
okay first , i just woke up around 11 something . woah first time i THINK in my period season . haha . well , im hungry and im bored . YESTERDAY WS SERIOUSLY FUUNNNN ! hee , i love my friends (: i slept over at my friends' house yesterday and we went out at 12 something ? picked fana then straight off to our destination . met the guys there and went jalan2 , makan2 and wtv wtv . helmi and bee ws like sooooooo KAMPUNGS , **ehem let me rephrase that , they were acting like A BUNCH OF IDIOTS WAITING FR THEIR TEETHS TO BLEED AT THE NEXT DESTINATION . hahaha . okay dh , bunch of idiot were including me kan . damn , dh diam . soo , after doing all that we decided to go home at 6 kot ? ahaha , semua tgh emo kot time tu and OH YEA , i've lost helmi's magnet . weh sorry doh . haha , then in the process of going home , they all BULLIED me . babi btl . haha , the most ws hisyam and helmi . yg lain masuk2 menyampuk je . haha , wtv lah . sikit2 "kucing hitaaaaaam , or BLACK CAT" mmg siod . dh smpai , mak alif sent us TEN home . haha , banyak kaan ? luckily she ws driving ALPHARD soooo mmg muat lah kn . i sat in the back with , desh , fana and shazweena . yg lain kt depan . haha , okay after arriving home , haih . mls nk cerita sbb BENCI . nw ? hmm , nothing lah . just waiting fr something EXHILIRATING*ayt a bunch of idiots . ahaha .* to happen to me (: loves then bye <3 ![]() * oh ya ,, jgn la mara . hisyam bestfriend i kot . haih . tick tock clock
good morning i might say to ppl in malaysiaaa (:
i woke up at 8:05 today :( guess why ? im having my "datang bulan" punya season now . jyeah baby . who likes it when this time of the month happens kaaan ? haha . bear with it jela then . well , rght now im trying to avoid adding any sense of humour in my blog since the boyfriend said " u ni lawak ah , " uhhh , im not a clown laah ! hahaha , wtv . yesterday ws the BEST DAY EVER -.- *okay i ws being VERY sarcastic* hm to my siblings which i KNOW you guys will read my blog ESPECIALLY this one , haha wtv . again , to my siblings , stop it . dnt ever talk to me if you think im rude . NEVER hurt me & STOP hurting me . know what ? it hurts fr me to say this but i REGRET something that i shouldn't do last year , specifically , i REGRET moving . hm . pls throw your EGO-ness away while reading this . switch to the "family" mode kjap , thats if you guys ada la . haih , im SICK of fighting when it is all MY FAULT . it ws NEVER yours . i ws the one who ws being rude , i ws the one who messed up . please , im not perfect . i hate it when ppl expect maybe TOO much frm me . im still a teenager , messing up is what i do to learn to live . compare to what you guys did when you guys were a teenager ? i think what im doing is what i think is already "okay" . THINK . im tired of thinking fr you both . i know you have the thought that im lazy , i just know how to eat ppl's money up , all the negativities of me . wtf ? hani dh tk larat . please . i know ive done stuffs that has disappoint you guys but i've learned frm my mistakes . im trying not to do those mistakes anymore . seriously , I AM TRYING . maybe you guys were too busy to realise . all you ever think is i ALWAYS take things fr granted . hm , i dnt know . well , fyi , ive done trying . and i HATE this . wtv , i cn feel that im not part of the family anymore . dh , mls nk fkir . woawoaaaaaa dh STOP all the tonight ? hha , love you girls (: will update later . well these are the photos of my openhouse last sat (: dh dh . too much info bout my openhouse , buat sakit hati jee . haha teyra just called me and she said mlm ni jd . haih . BAZIR :p hehehehehe , tgk la yee . hm , now im just waiting fr the boyfriend bangun frm his sleep , haih . budak gemuk mmg slalu bgn lambat . eehheheehehehehe , sorry ya :p im running out of things to say actually thats why merapu . hee , loves . bye ! blank much ?
"so what , im still a rockstar , i got my rock moves , and i dont need you , and guess what im havin more fun "
fuck i love that song , haha . okay so , i went to teynqilla's open house td , well , saw a couple of oldfriends , heheh . yesterday my family held an openhouse fr the FIRST TIME , but there ws only 2 ppl who came fr my openhouse **my friends la . urgh NK EMO SIAAAAL . haha boyfriend is having a gig today ? haha . fine ah tkyh lyn i . wtv , ahah . confused BTL ! dh dh diam , my plan fr tmr is NOTHING ! hah ! cool kan ? fr the first time i dnt have any plans and i DONT want to have plans . heheheh . azrin said they're going to kl this tues and idk wether im going ke tak (: nk kacau hisyam kacau and usha aweks ! hahaha , sry dudee (: mcm tk knal i plk kn , hee . i am soooo going to ACT mcm hisyam's girlf and mara when he usha awek . haha . okay dh tkde kje -.- dengki , tknk pn jd hisyam's girlf ! haha :p well , abt the "JOBS" that ive applied in sunway in the past days . haih . they havent call back YET . sedih siaaaaaaal . i applied fr FIVE shops . gila tak ? hha . well , fr start , i filled a form in british india , then principles , then elle , then voir , then baskin robbin (ni kne paksa ngn yudesh & teyra -.- ) . then now im waiting . haih . curiosity KILLS . damn it . well , i watched the movie 'kayangan' just now . and ada this character BLOGS ! haha , cool kan ? i thought budak2 sekolah je blogs . haha . noob btl . sooo , she blogs and her blogskin sucks , sorry eh (((: hee , so now i dnt know what to do , so bye then ? haha walking tall
oh well oh well oh well , its been a looooooooooooong time since ive posted A blog . aha . sry sry . hands were tied up by a BUNCH of probs lately . fucking realistic world ! haha . hmm . so recap perhaps ?
finals , just finished it and now i feel like there's an ENORMOUS truck got pulled out frm my head , aha . well , there's still maybe a little stress abt the result and miscellanious :p soooo , the boyf ? err , dnt know what to say abt him . :/ well , i am planning to do some job-hunting in sunway this evening cz i wld like to buy a new phone , new glasses , new RETAINER and maybe some shopping ? haha . wtv lah , the form4 boys are going to PD today . wehh , best ? aha , dnt think so :p yeryer best DOH . dah hbes . i didnt go anywhre fr the past week since im having my exam . OH EXCEPT going to taipan to return tiya's bag . haha , release stress eyh ? yea , just lepak2 cm bdo je . oh yea , today is HELMIGEMUK's birthday , happy birthday yea !! pdn muka kepala terhantuk :))))))))))))))))) ![]() the only picture yg okay . haha . oh yea , and to wilfred and farhan , HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOYS (: may god bless you (: last two days ws this girl's birthday . happy brthday and i love you honey <3 FANA ROZARIO (: ![]() hee . well thats all fr now maybe . haha . wtv happens , ill post it later , KOT KOT . :)))))))))) loves . hurt me while you can
![]() do you think that its true ? haha i do . in fact i believe in it . well , last night's incident woke me up in like BOOOOOM ! ahah . seriously , realising that not only me that's experiencing the EXACT problem , woke me up . again , it STRIKES me . okay dh dh la tu . haha . but seeing the ones that i love were in pain yesterday hurts me in a way that i cnt explain . i do not wish to tell everyone abt ppl's prob , soo we'll probably just leave it . im having some problems with my boyf now . YES ppl , i do have one now . comel , i know . hahahahaha . BUT he is in form 3 . funny eyh ? well , i myself admit that i am rupturing ths relationship . but i have my own reasons okaayy ! AND and , i do care fr you , not nescessarily LOVE but CARE (: the finals are startng and idk wht am i doing now . aha . i cnt wait fr it to end and just get on with my life ! I WNT TO GET A JOB SO THT I CLD BUY A NEW PHONEEE !!!! grr . im sick of using nokia ! haha , cpat sgt rosak , bosan btl . i wnt to EARN my phone now . i hope i cn :s ![]() ![]() sumpah cun ! haha , HOPE jela dpt . cm ckup je kje pn . hehehhe , well , lets say a little prayer fr me ehh ? thanks :p baby im back !
hey fellow readers im back baby !! hehehehe . omg it has been ONE WEEK of not blogging , not onlining , not wearing shorts in the house , not bathing in a ONE bathroom only and not toilet in the other side and thn the bathing room in the othr , not saying vulgar words out loud , not sleeping in peace WITHOUT the serangga2 kacau kt muka and kaki , not drinking something NICE except tea , coffee , air oren and air kosong -.- , and a whole lot of notS . i miss blogging like freaking much yeah ! well , it sucks though cz when i ws at kampung i got TONNES of ideas to blog about but when i sit here , it'll all vanish ! babi btol . BUT wth , i'll recall (: staying in terengganu ws not all torture though . i dnt know why but luckily THIS time , there's no bad stuffs happening while i ws thre . hee . *syukur syukur* AAND plus ! i've got someone to teman me day and night ((((: well i hope not at kelantan jela kaan , here pn . again boy , i HOPE you're not playing around . cz if i know you do , muka mu di kaki ku (: hee . well , lets do a recap shall we ? starting frooooomm , selasa la eh . hee 30.09 . tuesday . hmm , arrived at terengganu at around 7 or 6 IN THE MORNING ! haha , singgah-ed rmah mak su nah and slept ! hee . biasa laaa . thn woke up around noon and DAMN it ws freaking hot !! sumpah tk tipu . thn bathed and oh my gosh the water thre mcm seriously cool ! i mean cool as in cold . hahah . okay dh . then waited , text text text . call call . its buka puasa timeeeee . heee . soo we ate and back to nenek's hse ! hee . thn settled down , sleep timeee (: 0110 . wednesday *RAYA PERTAMAAAAA okay ! woke up around 7 cz we had to siap2 awl thn fetch abg at kota bharu's airport . sooo , rushed terus pergi airport (: first pic , tk jd . heheheh okay ni jd :)) just to let y'all know . yes , our raya theme fr this year is BLUE . hee . cool ? no . haha . okay then smpai airport , kakak ws sooo jakun bcz she has never been to kota bharu's airport before . haha . so here . shanieda (: suraya (: *somehow i look weird here . heheh mama semangat suro snap and tnjuk abg cz she thinks ths is the plane that he's on . mama mama .. hee soooo , after thaaat , we went to my grandfather's grave . hee . kakak loves this one , idk why . haha . *fuck i look weird , ignore me -.- theeen , shoot off to ayh long's . snapped picS ?? :p see i told you ! its bloody hot in kelantan ! berayaa . haha duit raya marii . hee drama lebih -.- hehehehehhe Family Portrait <3 motheryy (: okay then , yg lebih2 mls nk update . hee . we got back , ada some tetamuS , so kne lyn laa . after that with the baju kurung and all , i slept smpai pkul 11 something , got up , mndi , he called , then the whole family bangun ! haha . we cant sleep until 2 something then semua tdo dkat hall . hee 0210 . thursday *RAYA KEDUAAAAA woke up around 9 maybe ? haha . theeeeen , siap2 , got to wait fr my bju raya since the baju ada dkat tmpat lain . mls nk bgtau detail . hee . went to kubur tok nak pulaaaaak . hee . here' the pic lah . mls nk do the talking (: :) alaaa seriously , i just got back frm kelantan like pkul 4 pagi td , and now its 8 ! gotta run ! ill upload other pics later . loves ! *oh yaaa . i know who you are brother ! guess i have to watch out no ? hmmmmmmmm |